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Hi, I’m Maya - the blogger behind Simply Disciplined. 


I am a city exploring lover with a passion for all things pretty (also known as Instagrammable), nutritious and lifestyle related.  Simply Disciplined is a branch out of my Instagram, @mayachehade, that I’ve been creating content for since 2015.  You can often find me café hopping in the streets of Toronto, snapping away to get the shot, experimenting with healthy and clean recipes, or getting my (insert peach emoticon) to the gym for some gains (insert monkey emoticon). 


You may be wondering, why Simply Disciplined?  After graduating high school, I went through a long phase of a terrible relationship with food.  I hated my body; I hated the way I treated it.  I wanted change. But every single time I tried to eat well and exercise, it lasted a few days at most.  Till one day I read an article titled Get Disciplined, Not Motivated.  Since then, my life changed. 


Yes, I have had my ups and downs in my fitness journey, but the one thing I’ve found success in is reminding myself the importance of discipline.  


I began Simply Disciplined because I want this to be a place of positivity, encouragement and inspiration in every aspect in life.  Whether it’s going out to explore pretty cafés in different cities, or finding healthy alternatives to foods we love, or really, anything and everything lifestyle related. 


In addition to lifestyle, nutrition and café adventures, I decided I want to include a fitness diary section. This is going to be as raw as can be.  It will be a place for me to share challenges I have throughout the weeks, what I am doing to overcome them, goals, and more.  I would love for you to join along so we can support one another through our journey of being Simply Disciplined.  


With Love, 



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